Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ugh! and Double Ugh! Blogs Suck

O.K.last night I spent an effing lifetime on a stupid post....I was so pleased with myself, told a stupid story about a pet chipmunk, blah blah...then when I went to check it out with the blasted "preview" button, I accidently hit the white "x" in the red box in the upper right hand corner and poooof, eeeefffffffinnnnnggg pooof the whole g. d. thing was gone...I hate this blog. Why doesn't it say, "Are you sure you want to nava-fucking-gate away" it does for every other bloody dam thing you do..."are you sure of this are sure of that!?" O.K. so now what? I have blown my cover...I have a terrible potty mouth, so sue me.

So I was going to show you this stupid picture I took of a stupid road sign some meathead put up...ha ha. O.k. so whatever. I have this other picture of a sock I knit by a Rocket Scientist I only made one because to put this dam double sole on the bottom was a super complicated but intriguing thing. Anyway, I don't know how much more of this blogging stuff I am going to takes too much time away from knitting, but I did hear that lil' H might be back. I guess you will just have to check from time to time. How do I get rid of the dam underline on my link ..ish. What a grump.


Amalia said...

I bet that first comment really sent you over the edge. Great to see you. good to be reading junknitting again. xoa.

Amalia said...

uhg and double ugh, post something new already!