Thursday, September 08, 2005

Intarsia Sweater From H.E. Double Hockey Sticks

A number of years ago I found this Jo Sharp pattern. I loved the intarsia border, but wasn't crazy about the fru fru design on's o.k. for some people but I am not a fru fru ee kind of gal. So....

I knit the border...this will quickly make you crazy. My husband thought I was completely off my rocker when I was knitting this because if you look closely some rows have at least a ba-zillion colors....yellow, brown, white, black, white, black, white, tan, blue and on and on. You have to knit this junk on lonnnnnngggg straight needles or you'll drive yourself bonkers. I asked my husband if he would like to learn to knit, and he said he would rather spend time in a maximum security prison...geeze!

Then you have to weave all the dam little ends in, and if you knit with special knitters like Betsy T. whose knitting is perfection and you can't tell the inside from the outside, you try to weave everything in so tidily you start to feel inadequate. But it turned out fine in the end...

Like I said I wasn't crazy about all the googahee flowers, not that the design wasn't amazing, it truly was inspired...but I am just kind of a plain girl from the Great Plains (or Oak Savanahs) so I knit random acts of color instead of flowers. Sorry about the bad photo...

So Here she be. I wasn't crazy about the neck or the sleeves' cuff either, so I toned those down a bit too.

A wise cracker I worked with told me I looked like I was wearing hot pads. Some peoples kids! He's gone now anyway.

This blogging stuff is really cutting into my knitting time.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

My word, do you have some patience! That's incredible. And your modification of the pattern is just perfect.