Sunday, May 18, 2008

Big Difference Between 10.5 & 11 American

Dear Reader,
As of late, Junknitter has been perfecting her slipper pattern. Didn't like its bulky aspect, Junknitter has little approbation for them. While perfecting this pattern Junknitter accidentally knit a slipper on a #11 instead of #10.5. Be forewarned dear reader.
Junknitter is finishing three pair. They are much refined, and will post completed slippers once felted. Junknitter will also include the patter.

Junknitter's Stations

Dear Reader, This is the perch on which Junknitter sits each night and knits to her heart's content. There is just about everything a person could desire. There is a glass of delicious ice water, my iPod on which I am currently listening to "Shirley" by Charlotte Bronte (hence the "Dear Reader") my transistor AM/FM radio so I can listen to "On Point" and the CBC's "As it Happens" without disturbing Fred, who is reading on the couch to the left (not pictured), and a knitting kit that has everything you need to knit what ever you can imagine. I love this place. I love my home. My mom gave me the stuffed dog, because my boys are allergic and I desire a dog so desperately. Otherwise, life is good.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Kool Kats!

Junknitter's dream dog...tried to steal him, but was not successful.

Baby Sister Learns to Knit

"Are you twins?" they ask at the local butcher shop..."NO!" Junknitter proudly replies..."I'm actually three years older."

But she, the sister, is no less wise. Showed her how to knit and she picked up like a pro. Shlubs and all.

While visiting the baby sister, she gave me a book on our family's history that was published in 1954 and tracks one side of the family back three hundred years, to the "midlands" of jolly old explains a lot about the stock Junknitter comes from. One old guy had a wife, Elizabeth, and they had six children. Elizabeth died when he was 83. He was so lonely for her that he married another Elizabeth who was 30 and bore him six more children! This was in the early 1800! He died happily at 96. Coincidentally Junknitter is one of six! All of us with impressive double chins, and royal foreheads.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Another Wildlife Front Porch Adventure

This was a very long and snowy winter in Junnitter's hometown for all mammals I would wager. Sometime in late winter Junknitter saw a raccoon staring at her while she was "working" at her desk. Again, she called out to Fred, "Fred, there's a raccoon staring at me and I think he/she is living under our porch." Fred said, "Expletive deleted raccoon." Each night Fred would say, "If you see that *&$%!@ raccoon come out from under the porch go put these stakes in the ground to block the hole." Junknitter's thinking, "Jah, righto Fred, in your dreams." Plus Junknitter loved the little masked bandit. Then, today, Tuesday, May 6, Junknitter came home to an empty house. She saw Fred pull out of the neighborhood right as she was stepping off the the number 72 bus. She tried to track him down, called his mother...but he was not there. While she was chatting with her mother-in-law Junknitter spied something rather large hanging out on her bird feeder. *&#(@*%$! raccoon. Now it is war!

P.S. Fred was at his Tuesday night corso di Itliano.
For another wildlife front porch adventure check out September 2007 posts.