Sunday, May 18, 2008

Junknitter's Stations

Dear Reader, This is the perch on which Junknitter sits each night and knits to her heart's content. There is just about everything a person could desire. There is a glass of delicious ice water, my iPod on which I am currently listening to "Shirley" by Charlotte Bronte (hence the "Dear Reader") my transistor AM/FM radio so I can listen to "On Point" and the CBC's "As it Happens" without disturbing Fred, who is reading on the couch to the left (not pictured), and a knitting kit that has everything you need to knit what ever you can imagine. I love this place. I love my home. My mom gave me the stuffed dog, because my boys are allergic and I desire a dog so desperately. Otherwise, life is good.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

This photo makes me laugh because it looks exactly like my own "station." Except our sofa is green and the environs are messier. Also, our dog is real (sorry, I didn't mean to rub it in).